2. Web学習法
  3. DMM英会話

【DMM英会話 感想】”So have a confidence(自信をもって!)”2019年11月6日(水)のレッスン #DMM英会話 #OWDDM #meetup







E先生:My hobby is to watch the movie. I like "Joker"(新しいタブで開く).Do you watch the movie?
自分: No, I don't watch the movie. My hobby is to swim. Every day I go to the gym.


“So have a confidence”(自信をもって!)

今回、参考になったフレーズは“So have a confidence”です。「自信をもって!」という意味だそうです。もともとは前回のレッスンが終了したあとにM先生がコメントしてくださったフレーズです。正確な意味が分からなかったので、解説をしていただきました。”So have a confidence”は以下の文脈で使われています。M先生の文章を引用をさせていただきます。

It is totally fine if it takes time to express what you want to say and I’m here to help you so have a confidence!As long as you have positive attitude like today, you can easily improve English.

意訳をすれば「そこそこの英会話になっていたから意欲的に学習すれば、わりと簡単に英会話が改善するでしょう」というところでしょうか。その意味で”So have a confidence(自信をもって!)”だったのでしょう。



I intoduce myself.

My name is Hiroshi Fukui.
I was born in 1976, 43 years.
Since I was born in Japan,I have lived in Osaka,Japan.
Usually I blog on WordPress. My income is Google Adsense.

Recently I prepare the event of WordPress,WordCamp Osaka 2019(新しいタブで開く).
My role is to look for sponsors from abroad.

I learn the English reading and writing for the event. 
But I can't speak English very much because I don't learn the English listening and speaking,sorry.

In addintion, every month I join the Osaka Web Designers and Developers Meetup(新しいタブで開く), OWDDM.

I want to make many friends in WordCamp and OWDDM.

Today is second day that learning the English communication by DMM-Eikaiwa.
Yesterday I was recommended "Daily News" and "Convesation" to learn English by DMM-Eikaiwa.
I want to learn the "Convesation".

Thank you for your support!See you next time!